
  • How Fast Can Young TKA Patients Get Back to Sports?

    That’s the question a team of Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve researchers tried to answer with a systematic review of the literature.

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  • ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft may reduce flexion strength vs. patellar graft

    ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon graft may yield decreased knee flexion strength vs. reconstruction with patellar tendon graft.

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  • Why Do My Hips Hurt After Running?

    Hip pain often occurs with running. While some level of soreness is normal, if your hips hurt after running, it may mean that you have injured yourself. Hip pain can be caused by injury to your muscles, bone, tendons, or other structures in your hip. Having weak core muscles, an old injury, or poor movement patterns can contribute to hip pain as well.

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  • Fracture nonunion and delayed union

    Delayed union and nonunion of fractures exist in the pediatric population. Fracture healing requires the synergistic collaboration of mechanical support and robust biological processes to allow endochondral ossification, reestablishment of bone continuity, and subsequent remodeling to strong lamellar bone. Failure of either mechanical stability or biology may manifest as delayed fracture healing.

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  • Foot Reflexology Explained: Benefits and Practice

    Foot reflexology is a form of massage therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the foot. Part of traditional Chinese medicine, this practice of working pressure points on the foot is meant to provide internal balance and improve overall health.

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